Wishing everyone a happy 2024 and reflecting on the lessons taken forward from 2023.
Such an enriching time (and a very hot humid summer here). Thanks heavens for air-conditioning!!
Shared wisdom from the last 12 months that can enhance therapy :
– Skills learnt about hyper mobility – diagnosis, management and treatment (Ehlers Danlos and Joint Hypermobility Syndrome Aust, )
– executive functioning skills training and resources (‘thinking to.focus/plan/pause/.”),( Deb Hopper)
– more awareness of emotions (how to feel in your body, and recognise, name) (Allison Davies, Lara Dean, Kelly Marler)
– time management, and procrastination conquering (specifically for ADHD brains) ( Aaron Croft)
– neurobiology of calm connections (coregulation and promoting interception awareness) (Jessica McGuire)
– using “exercise snacks” for psychological health (Dr Eli Peterman, Dr Rebecca Hasson)
– Working with anger/self-harming/suicidality (Russ Harris)
– Friendship skills with ADHD – (Caroline Miller)
Goal setting for 2024 -( inspired from a post by Great Good Science Centre of Berkeley University- “How to prepare your nervous system for new goals”)
(1) being aware of neuroception (our brain and nervous system scanning for cues of threat/danger) or safety), its important to use more “yes”/positive goals ie focussing on a positive vision (eg vibrant health rather than stop overeating)
(2) Also setting specific steps and making a place in your diary for them to take place (eg having clothing and equipment ready for a 15 min exercise session in the morning)
(3) Plan to overcome obstacles – ie recognising the craving feelings /discomfort – thanking them and focussing on the bigger goal
(4) Remind yourself that the obstacles can be predicted, the discomfort tolerated, and then used as a springboard/linking to past discomforts overcome (give yourself 10 mins to assess if it Ok to push on today or continue tomorrow) – in the overall plan to flourish and succeed
(This visual is From Aaron Croft’s work and is a great way of visualising the struggle and how you can prevail)