About Gwen

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Gwen has been passionately interested in maximizing children’s learning development to reach their potential since becoming a primary school teacher in the 70’s.  She remained a registered teacher whilst raising 4 children and being a carer for extended relatives, discovering the role of occupational therapy in assisting families to manage the challenges of injury, disease and hereditary disorders. In so doing, Gwen became aware of the grounding effect of being unable to easily do desired everyday living activities, and the fulfillment experienced in overcoming  such obstacles​.

Graduating as an Occupational Therapist in 2001, Gwen has since worked in the community with children and adults with a disability and their families (as part of the  multidisciplinary Family and Early Childhood Services FECS team) , and in recent years also working part-time in private practice with school aged children with learning difficulties, and adults with sensory and/or mental health issues.

Therapy is based on evidence that learning happens when we are calm, alert and having fun, and that practice is needed in the natural learning environment to consolidate learning​​​​:

  • assessing and analyzing underlying needs to implement skill enhancement programs, environmental modifications,​​ adapted equipment and scaffolded support adjustment as needed​
  • to discover the child’s/person’s particular driving interests and motivations and 
  •  working with their strengths and existing skills​ to (together with the key adults in the child’s life) establish  meaningful goals and build skills, and promote enduring self regulation, resilience and self respect​.

Gwen has extensive experience with working collaboratively with families (including siblings), school and day care staff, other allied health professionals, and any other key carers in the child’s life, to maximize communication, consistency of support and understanding of the child’s needs.

 Gwen utilises additional training and programs such as;

  • The Strengths based approach
  • Perceive Recall Plan Perform (PRPP) system of task/performance analysis
  • Clinical assessment and practical interventions for praxis (motor planning)
  • Train the trainer Cert IV
  • Occupational Performance Parent coaching 
  • D.I.R. Floortime system of enhancing social and emotional growth
  • Making Sense of the Senses
  • Mealtimes Matter
  • Play theory and practice
  • Sensory Integration(SI) and Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)​
  • Occupational Therapy OT and Autism
  • Wilbarger brushing technique for sensory defensiveness
  • The M.O.R.E. Program – integrating the Mouth With Sensory and Postural Functions
  • Are you Ready? Toileting program
  • Therapeutic Listening – listening with the whole body
  • Sensory activities to promote participation and communication
  • Children and Anxiety
  • Vision resources and occupational therapy
  • Learning to eat (EAT program)
  • Using visual strategies
  • Traffic jam in my brain: Regulation, Respiration, Rhythm, Relationship,    Play & Movement
  • M​​aking sleep every OTs business​
  • School readiness – tools and research​
  • ​​​Art in Occupati​​onal Therapy
  • ​Creative Mindfulness​
  • ​Sensory processing and everyday life – Winnie Dunn Sensory Profile 2
  • Self Determination – facilitating motivation and wellness
  • Translating research into practice
  • Where is my notebook? teaching organisat​ion skills that last
  • Social thinking
  • Kidsmatter – supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children –   supporting Aboriginal children
  • ​Daily living aids & continence – current SOA
  • Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT)

​​​​​In addition, Gwen has continued to assist in research at the University of Queensland, keeping abreast with the latest evidence of best clinical ​practice.