This great article just landed in my inbox as part of the Greater Good Science CentreNewsletter (see link)
The study found that children who were role-playing and dressed up as a character and asking themselves ‘Is (that character) doing a good job?’ persisted longer at a specific task compared to children who were just noticing their own thoughts, or asking themselves “Am I (own name) working hard”
It confirms my belief and approach that children learn better and persist better when in a playful mind frame. We use superheroes all the time in therapy and its memorable and fun for all!!
This also ties in well with my newest book purchase (which I am part-way through reading) ie The Yes Brain Child by Dr Danie Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson. These well-researched authors and parents have further distilled their previous books/approach to B.R.I.E.: 4 fundamentals of the Yes brain:
Balance: a skill to be learned that creates emotional stability and regulation of the body and brain
Resilience: a state of resourcefulness that lets us move through challenges with strength and clarity
Insight: the ability to look within and understand ourselves, then use what we learn to make good decisions
Empathy: the perspective that allows us to keep in mind that each of us is not only ‘me’ but part of an interconnected ‘we’ as well
Recommended reading!!
Occupational therapy can support families to adopt/utilize all these concepts as a whole and especially assist with regulation and organization