An exciting new year – and lots of great evidence-based information available and skills to learn and incorporate into my practice!  The pile of books I have for bedtime reading continues to grow as I become aware of new and valuable resources.  I’m especially excited about (and reading when time allows):

The Mindful Self-compassion workbook- a proven way to accept yourself, build inner strength and thrive  (Kristin Neff, Christopher Germer)

Learning to listen, learning to care (Lawrence Shapiro)

The Explosive Child (Ross Greene)

Fluid Strength Yoga Practice (Faye Berton)

Socially Curious and Curiously Social (Michelle Garcia Winner, Pamela Crooke)

Get out of your mind & into your life for teens (Joseph Ciarrochi, Louise Hayes, Ann Bailey)

To be added soon – on its way from Book Depository – Nuturing resilience (Kathy Kain, Steven Terrell) !!

Focussing on strengths and self-awareness/compassion are keys to optimizing performance which is the ultimate goal of occupational therapy.  Watch this space for more on this in the coming year!