​These three key  daily living activities are vital to a balanced lifestyle and optimal performance (for children and for adults).

Good nutrition is a regular topic in the media, and an emotive area for parents – if they have a ‘picky’ eater or a child who ‘over-eats’.  An excellent resource that was shared with me recently is “The well nourished lunchbox” by Georgia Harding – with inviting looking photos of whole-food recipes! 

Moving is also essential – and I’m reading more about the body-brain connection and how being tuned into your body is a key to cognitive engagement with and understand of your world.  Anat Baniel’s book “Kids beyond limits” is a fascinating look at what can be achieved (more about this next month)

Movement is also an important component in disciplining your child – easing the confrontation.  Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson’s books “The Whole Brain Child” and “No Drama Discipline” contanin strategies such as “Instead of command and demand…Move it or lose it”

Move it or Lose it.pdf

Sleep – a good sleep is the key to best performance in all areas – a study by Professor K Anders Ericcson in 1993 found that and average 8 hours 36 minutes was the amount of sleep needed for adults – much more is needed for children to perform well

The Australian Sleep Helth Foundation is a great website to find resources to support sleep health:  


Once these key three  areas are in balance, then valued skills can be established and consolidated with sufficent focussed deliberate practice.  OT can help with this!